Компанії 53

  • Сортувати:
  • Gismart

    Kyiv, Warszawa, London
    Працівники - Від 200 до 500

    Gismart is a value-driven mobile app developer with a strong presence in the Health & Wellness, Utilities, and Music app markets. We have recently achieved a significant milestone of over 1 billion downloads worldwide, taking a step toward our mission of cultivating the well-being of people worldwide. With headquarters in London, UK, Gismart is a dynamic global company with a reach extending across Europe and far beyond. Our determined team comprises over 250 individuals who bring diversity, creativity, innovation, and relentless drive to the company. Gismart unites professionals from diverse backgrounds in entertainment, music, and tech, allowing us to play to each other’s strengths and succeed as a team. Our mission: Become a stepping stone on our customers’ journeys of self-improvement. Our values: - Growth: The essence of life is curiosity, so we never stop learning, discovering, and growing both as individuals and as a company. - Impact: Be a force for good and pay it forward. - Trust: Trust is earned when actions meet words. - Honesty: Have the courage to face the truth. - Balance: The formula is unique for everyone but essential for a fulfilling life. If you are passionate about mobile app development and want to join a company that’s reshaping the industry, Gismart is the place for you. We provide exciting career opportunities, a supportive workplace culture, and the chance to contribute to a team that is making a tangible impact. For more information on Gismart, visit

    Активні вакансії - 4
  • Intellias

    Kraków, Lviv, Malaga, Porto, Zagreb, Sofia, Guildford, Kyiv, Ivano-Frankivsk, Odesa, Uzhhorod
    Працівники - Від 1000 до 5000

    Intellias is a global technology company with over 3200 specialists on board. We combine engineering craftsmanship and technology expertise to solve challenges of any nature, scale, and complexity. Our development centers are located in Poland, Croatia, Bulgaria, Ukraine, Spain, Portugal, Colombia, and India. We also have representative offices in Germany, the USA, the UK, and the United Arab Emirates. We are contributing to the success of the world’s leading brands, among which are HERE Technologies, TomTom, HelloFresh and Travis Perkins. More than 2 billion people around the world use software solutions developed by Intellias engineers. Intellias is regularly named one of the best IT employers by Forbes, EY, Great Place to Work, and other reputable organizations. Moreover, we've been recognized as a world-class technology leader by the IAOP, UK IT Industry awards and Inc. 5000 Europe.

    Активні вакансії - 4
  • JustTech

    Працівники - Від 50 до 200

    Ми, JustTech — перспективна EdTech компанія, що прагне зробити навчання доступним, захоплюючим і ефективним для учнів будь-якого віку! 👶👩‍🦰👴 Ми маємо більше 6 років досвіду у розробці та удосконаленні освітніх продуктів. Наразі нами створено вже 4 продукти і ми не плануємо зупинятися на досягнутому! 🚀 Про наші продукти: • JustSchool — онлайн-школа англійської № 1 в Україні! Ми навчаємо дітей і дорослих англійській мові за індивідуальною програмою. Нам важливо знайти індивідуальний підхід до кожного учня, саме тому наш освітній продукт — унікальний на ринку України, спеціально розроблений нашими методистами для учнів, з урахуванням їх побажань та інтересів. А заняття проходять на унікальній інтерактивній онлайн платформі. Їх відбулось вже понад 1 000 000! • JustSmart — онлайн-школа, в якій діти та підлітки навчаються в найкращих вчителів з усієї України шкільним предметам та програмуванню. А ще, тут підготують до ЗНО/НМТ. • JustClass — платформа, на якій вчителі можуть безкоштовно задавати готові домашні завдання, самостійні та контрольні роботи онлайн. Ми зібрали понад 10 000 інтерактивних завдань з української, англійської мови, математики, хімії, географії, зарубіжної та української літератури, біології, фізики та історії України для учнів 1-11 класів. • JustSpeak AI — додаток з репетитором англійської на основі штучного інтелекту. JustSpeak пропонує захоплюючий і економічно ефективний досвід онлайн-вивчення англійської мови. Місячна підписка на JustSpeak економніша, ніж одне заняття з традиційним викладачем! Ми співпрацюємо з благодійним фондом «Діти Героїв». За цей час ми провели понад 30 000 уроків з математики, української, англійської мов та програмування для дітей, які втратили батьків під час війни. Ми піклуємося про комфорт кожного нашого клієнта, а головна цінність компанії — наші задоволені учні та їх результати!

    Активні вакансії - 3
  • YozmaTech

    Працівники - Від 50 до 200

    YozmaTech is a boutique approach tech services company, focusing on the empowerment of tech companies and entrepreneurs with A-player teams globally, flexible R&D resources, and technology consulting. Our team is hundreds of talented Ukrainian developers who became the authors of innovative products. Our clients come from different industries and domains: Banking and fintech, High Tech, Healthcare, Retail & E-commerce, Marketing, Gaming etc. KEY FACTS ABOUT YOZMATECH 🔹Expertise and Stability — 15+ years in IT industry. 🔹Big Family — more than 100 team members. 🔹Work Wherever You Like — remote or in one of 4 Offices in Ukraine and Europe. 🔹Large, Long-term Clients — 40+ Projects in progress. 🔹Keep Growing — 30+ vacancies are open right now, check at our website!

    Активні вакансії - 3
  • Netpeak Group

    Працівники - Від 1000 до 5000

    Netpeak Group — група українських компаній, об’єднаних спільними цінностями та єдиною місією: «перейти із третього світу в перший», не змінюючи свого географічного положення. До втілення місії ми крокуємо, розвиваючи наші компанії, які сфокусовані на В2В SaaS-продуктах у сфері digital-маркетингу і не тільки. До складу Netpeak Group входять наступні компанії: 1. Venture builders: Tonti Laguna Group (42n, Asolytics, PDFLiner, Tonti Laguna Prime, Tonti Laguna Automation) та Kiss My Apps. 2. Група диджитал-агентств: Netpeak Agencies Group (Netpeak Ukraine, Netpeak Kazakhstan, Netpeak Bulgaria, Netpeak Alliance, RadASO) та агенція digital-маркетингу Inweb. 3. Послуги: Netpeak Core, Netpeak Talent, Netpeak New. 4. SaaS-компанії: Serpstat, Ringostat, Netpeak Software, AcademyOcean, Saldo Apps, Netpeak One. 5. Choice31 — компанія карʼєрного розвитку в digital від А до Я: вибір професії, навчання, допомога з працевлаштуванням, підвищення кваліфікації. 6. Група соціальних проєктів: Group 31 (Моє Місто, GladPet, Доповідай). Netpeak Group — група IT-компаній, що об’єднує 24 бізнеси, 3 громадські організації та 1400+ фахівців по всьому світу.

    Активні вакансії - 3
  • Wootitude

    Працівники - Менше 50

    Wootitude is a premier Ukrainian recruiting agency specializing in expeditiously connecting tech companies with top-tier developers. Our mission revolves around the principle of efficiency and precision, ensuring that our clients’ staffing needs are met within the shortest possible timeframe. At Wootitude, we take great pride in our rigorous candidate evaluation process. We conduct comprehensive assessments to verify technical skills, cultural fit, and alignment with our clients’ specific project requirements. This meticulous screening ensures that we only present candidates who not only possess the technical prowess but are also genuinely enthusiastic about taking on challenging projects. Our approach is rooted in creating win-win scenarios. We firmly believe that when developers are matched with promising and stimulating projects, it paves the way for long-term commitment and dedication. Simultaneously, the companies benefit from having a dedicated developer who becomes an integral part of their team, ensuring project success. By forging these symbiotic relationships, Wootitude has earned a reputation for delivering outstanding results in the realm of tech recruitment. Our commitment to excellence, coupled with our knack for fostering productive collaborations, sets us apart as the go-to partner for tech companies seeking top-notch developers in record time. We take pride in bridging the gap between talent and opportunity, thereby contributing to the growth and success of our clients’ ventures in the dynamic tech landscape.

    Активні вакансії - 3
  • HyggeSoftware

    Працівники - Від 50 до 200

    Hygge is a leading force in the realm of JavaScript development. Comprising a team of over 70 dedicated developers with a laser focus on JavaScript, we pride ourselves on technical excellence, innovation, and a commitment to delivering superior software solutions. Founded by three visionaries with strong technical backgrounds, our company has emerged as a trailblazer in the industry, boasting a portfolio of over 90 successful projects in just the last 4 years. We believe in the essence of "Hygge" - a Danish concept that embodies coziness, comfort, and a sense of well-being. We bring this philosophy into our work, creating an environment where collaboration flourishes, and projects thrive. 𝐖𝐡𝐲 𝐂𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐬𝐞 𝐇𝐲𝐠𝐠𝐞 ✔️Our Expertise: Our team consists of professional developers who are well-versed in the latest technologies and trends. ✔️Communication Excellence: With 70% of our developers fluent in English, communication is seamless, ensuring transparency and understanding. ✔️Rigorous Evaluation: Our 3-step evaluation procedure ensures that only the best talents join our team, guaranteeing top-notch quality in every project. ✔️Diverse Portfolio: From CRM and ERP systems to e-commerce platforms and various web applications, we have successfully ventured into different industries, offering versatile solutions tailored to your needs. 𝐎𝐮𝐫 𝐌𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧 Our main mission is to redefine the boundaries of JavaScript development, pushing the limits of innovation and excellence. We aim to deliver excellence bu turning your concepts into tangible, high-quality software solutions that stand out in the digital landscape.

    Активні вакансії - 3
  • NewGMedia

    Працівники - Від 200 до 500

    Started as a little startup in 2016, NewGMedia has grown into a big family of over 300 creative minds, spread out in 27 countries around the world. Our main pride and joy is our award-winning Gambling Company. But that’s not all – we also have a thriving Affiliate Program, a handy Platform, and a super helpful Recruiting Agency. We’re all about being innovative, top-notch, and a bit different. In our lovely community, we care about flexibility, grabbing new opportunities, and celebrating our diverse backgrounds. Together, we’re pushing the boundaries in iGaming, and cannot wait for you to come join us on this exciting journey!

    Активні вакансії - 2
  • Honeycomb Software

    Rivne, Lviv, Wrocław, Houston
    Працівники - Від 50 до 200

    AIR-UA LTD (dba Honeycomb Software) is an innovative software company that develops digital products for startups and online businesses. We are experts at understanding the client’s vision and needs, be it in application development and/or UX/UI design. We listen, analyze, and build appealing, clean, highly functional products. Our systematic and professional approach allows us to create a wide range of digital products. We excel both in building brand-new systems and taking care of the code developed by others. Our services cover the full product life-cycle (functional analysis, UX, design, architecture, development, manual and automated testing, DevOps, and maintenance).

    Активні вакансії - 2
  • Competera

    Працівники - Від 50 до 200

    Competera is an AI-powered company helping retailers to set optimal prices. We change the way retailers do pricing with Big Data and Deep Learning to help them compete with giants like Amazon and Walmart. In 2022, Competera Pricing Platform was recognized as the High Performer 2022 by G2 Crowd and, in 2023, won the Best Retail Insights by National Retail Federation VIP Awards 2023, and in 2024 we won the Best Retail Insights by VIP Awards again. (: to feel the vibes, check out our old, but so much loved video: Competera awards: - Top 1 eCommerce Solutions Software 2019 by Crozdesk - Top 3 startup at the AI Summit, London Tech Week - Best Analytics / BI Solutions at E-commerce Germany Award - High Performer 2022 by G2 Crowd - Trusted vendor 2022 by Crozdesk

    Активні вакансії - 2
  • Computools

    Warszawa, Wrocław, Łódź, Kyiv
    Працівники - Від 200 до 500

    Computools shapes the future with products, services and solutions that businesses need to Unlock Tomorrow. We’re also shaping the future of Ukraine by helping establish it as a worldwide IT hub to generate world-changing ideas. Computools' philosophy is based on three principles: CONSTRUCTIVENESS With Computools, innovation comes standard. Clients trust us for our clarity, structure, high performance rate and intuitive functionality across every stage of the software development process. Because if it’s not worth making perfectly, it’s not worth making at all. FUTURISM The future is under control. We’re a company of visionaries—people who don’t just pay attention to what’s happening around the globe, but who also provide unique solutions that create real change. HUMANISM We’re digital humanists at heart. Our platforms, applications and other IT-products have a singular goal: to make it easy for our clients to take care of their clients. That starts with a human-centered approach to everything we do. Whether we’re designing customer experiences, dealing with our clients or managing our teams, we lead with empathy. Technology is for everyone, not just the geeks. That’s why we focus on using clear, intelligible language, treating every stakeholder with respect and providing support at all stages of development. By starting with a shared understanding of what makes us all human, we’re able to create the favorable conditions necessary to develop our best-in-class solutions.

    Активні вакансії - 1
  • 4Team

    Працівники - Менше 50

    4TEAM — це команда професіоналів, які прагнуть створювати найкращі команди та розкривати потенціал кожного. Ключовими послугами ⚡️4TEAM є: 🎯 Блискавичний Headhunting/Рекрутинг: ми знаходимо лише найкращих і найбільш відповідних кандидатів для вашого бізнесу. ⭐ Глибинна Психодіагностика Особистості: ми допомагаємо виявити таланти та потенціал, зрозуміти здібності, навички, інтереси та слабкості індивідуальним клієнтам, кандидатам та співробітникам компаній. 🤝 Діагностика Команди: ми розкриваємо потенціал вашої команди, виявляємо прихованих лідерів, їхні настрої, сумісність і показуємо зони ризику та етапи групової динаміки. Це допоможе вам прийняти ідеально зважені рішення та уникнути вигоряння чи будь-якої демотивації співробітників. ⚡️HR-Аудит: ми діагностуємо персонал і внутрішні процеси компанії, комунікації та функціональність, і і після — перебудовуємо процеси для створення ефективної команди. 👌 Створення Віддаленого Офісу: ми пропонуємо створити дистанційну міжнародну команду для вашого бізнесу, щоб оптимізувати операційні бюджети без втрати ефективності. 🤜🤛Трансформаційні Заходи: за допомогою наших спеціальних трансформаційних заходів ви досягнете найкращого рівня синергії команди та м’яко впровадите важливі зміни. 👶 Профорієнтаційна Консультація для Підлітків: за допомогою унікальної методики тестування ми надамо необхідну інформацію для визначення напрямку розвитку та вибору професії, в якій підліток буде найбільш зацікавленим та ефективним. Ми допоможемо вам створити команду мрії зі щасливими людьми!

    Активні вакансії - 1
  • Spendbase

    Kyiv, Lviv, Vinnytsia
    Працівники - Від 50 до 200

    Spendbase is the one-stop shop for optimizing your spending on cloud and software subscriptions. From vendor negotiations to SaaS operations, our philosophy is plain and simple: maximize the return on the software you already own. Get the best software deals, increase adoption of your current stack, take control of your renewals and more. Spendbase provides the intelligence and guidance you need to spend smarter, not harder. Over 300 customers have already reduced their software spend by 39% on average. With Pay-as-you-Save pricing, teams can get started with Spendbase for free and benefit from the first implementation day. 🚀 Grew to 80+ employees in just a year and a half Spendbase insights from HR🤫​a209992a028a8f2cc5a?pvs=4 🦄 We are Spendbasians and we believe in our product 🚀 We scale fast That means our Products & our Team & People inside the Team are growing together. 👁 We have a startup mindset To create a world where everything is possible if you are brave enough! See you in our team!

    Активні вакансії - 1
  • Profisea

    Працівники - Від 50 до 200

    Profisea, an Israeli boutique DevOps and Cloud company, has for over six years been providing end-to-end solutions and support for business. Our teams of highly-skilled professionals draw on their deep industry knowledge and vast technology expertise to deliver top-notch, dynamic and lean solutions to solve various business challenges for companies of any size, from startups to enterprises. Our mission is to help our clients implement best DevOps practices and design cost-effective and secured cloud architecture to maximize performance, ensure faster deployment, improve the quality of the client’s offering – whether services or products – and reduce time to market. In 2021, Profisea's team launched a unique AI-based Cloud management platform that allows you to visualize, manage Cloud infrastructure, and reduce your cloud expenses on virtual assets by up to 90%. Profisea provides state-of-the-art solutions custom-tailored to every type of client, with a full range of services including: - DevOps as a service (CI/CD, Continuous Monitoring, Infrastructure as a Code, Microservices, Kubernetes, DevSecOps) - Cloud Computing (Cloud Migration, Cloud Security, Cloud Environment Creation and - Management, FinOps with ProfiSea Labs, Cloud Security) - SRE as a service - NOC as a service - ALM consulting If you are planning to migrate to the cloud, thinking about building a transparent CI/CD pipeline or adopting DevSecOps or Kubernetes in your enterprise, Profisea is here to help. We are ready to design your cloud architecture, secure your cloud and make it cost-effective.

    Активні вакансії - 1
  • Geniusee

    Працівники - Від 200 до 500

    Our mission at Geniusee is to help businesses thrive through tech partnership and strengthen the engineering community by sharing knowledge and creating opportunities🌿 Our values are Continuous Growth, Team Synergy, Taking Responsibility, Conscious Openness and Result Driven. We offer a safe, inclusive and productive environment for all team members, and we’re always open to feedback💜 If you want to work from home or work in the offices in Kyiv or Lviv with stable electricity and Wi-Fi , great — apply right now.

    Активні вакансії - 1
  • Bits Orchetsra

    Zymna Voda
    Працівники - Менше 50

    Bits Orchestra, born from a desire to realize potential and foster a culture of innovation, has evolved into a company that values a cozy, collaborative atmosphere. With a focus on solving business problems across various domains like e-commerce, education, finance, security, logistics, healthcare, and military, the company employs technologies such as C#, .NET Core, ASP.NET, JavaScript, TypeScript, React Native, SQL, AWS, and Azure. Notably, Bits Orchestra upholds certain principles, avoiding collaborations with gambling entities and companies from Russia and Belarus. With a growing team of 47 employees, including a qualified team in Azerbaijan, the company operates from a dedicated office near Lviv, ensuring uninterrupted services through Starlink. Bits Orchestra's recruitment process emphasizes a quick candidate journey with stages like test tasks, HR interviews, and technical interviews. The company values a fast-paced work environment and provides a stable and safe workplace, offering work-from-home options, flexible working hours, and fully equipped workstations. Joining Bits Orchestra comes with several perks, including individual career development, training programs, equipment provision, salary raises, paid vacations and sick leaves, and support for education expenses. The company fosters loyalty by offering Benefit cafe bonuses and IT Cluster membership.

    Активні вакансії - 0
  • Sombra

    Lviv, Ivano-Frankivsk, Kyiv, Medellín
    Працівники - Від 200 до 500

    Sombra is a software development company that works with US, Canadian and European clients. We combine deep technological expertise with human values: proactivity, making the customers happy, changes, open and honest relationships and self-development. 🎯We do: UI/UX, Innovative Web Application Development, Mobile App Development, DevOps & Cloud, Blockchain, IoT, AI 🌟Sombra’s mission is to make every effort so that Sombra - a team of people who are beyond passionate about their work - continues to work and grow, despite the trials of the war in Ukraine. We work hard to fulfill the trust and expectations that our clients have put on us, to protect and develop our unique team, and to support other companies facing the challenge of working at such difficult times. Today, Sombra has 300+ specialists and continues to expand.😺 The company’s offices are in Lviv, Kyiv, Ivano-Frankivsk and Medellin (Colombia). All company locations are autonomous - with uninterrupted power sources, reserves of drinking water, food, additional generators, stable Internet, and everything necessary. The company supports a hybrid work format in all locations — team members can choose to work remotely or from the company’s offices. Sombra continues to develop and expand rapidly, so we invite you to join our team!🤗 For more detailed information, please visit the career page.😉

    Активні вакансії - 0
  • Innocode

    Працівники - Від 50 до 200

    Innocode has since 2010 been a digital innovation partner for successful startups and leading media companies who want to build user value, relevance, and new revenue streams through great digital solutions. Our team of business developers, designers, engineers, and project managers deliver strategic advice, design, and digitalizing of business models as well as development of digital media products and services.

    Активні вакансії - 0
  • SharpMinds

    Працівники - Від 50 до 200

    SharpMinds is a Ukrainian IT company, which is a part of a Dutch holding HelloFlex Group with headquarters in Amersfoort, NL. Working with the Dutch businesses for over 18 years, we have managed to grow to 100 employees, 4 comfortable offices, more than 30 successful B2B projects, professional ICT, HR and Project Management services, and even more. We have succeeded in building a people-oriented environment, where individuals are valued, teams are productive, and business needs are met. In our work, we focus on people and processes. We believe that the key to a successful IT project is a match between the customer side, the development team, and a process, they both trust. To help people become a focused team with a common goal, we provide IT Consultancy, run educational courses, organize IT events, support and implement development methodologies, facilitate leadership trainings and self-education. We are mostly focused on long-term enterprise projects, which help us to bring experienced talents to the company, and build strong teams in PHP, Node.js, .NET, Python, Ruby on Rails, Unity3D, Xamarin, and mobile development technologies, both native and cross-platform. As most professional IT companies do, we provide a full social package and support to every employee of SharpMinds. We facilitate knowledge sharing, mentor junior staff, and cherish every talent, who joins our family of Sharpminds. Our team of beautiful recruiters will be always happy to meet you at the coffee counter and tell you lots of nice stories about SharpMinds and the projects we are working on together with our customers. Please, find vacancy updates on the company website

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  • Kupno

    Працівники - Менше 50

    Kupno is a job search site in the IT sector. We provide services for posting job vacancies in Ukraine and abroad, except for enemy countries. The company was founded in 2023 in Ukraine. Despite obstacles, we still believe in a successful technological future for Ukraine, in talented engineers, and the recovery of the IT market. We have put a lot of effort into developing the Kupno product, which takes into account the many needs of recruiters in hiring and useful application management features for candidates. We are confident that it can become an indispensable tool for every user to find the best talents in the IT field, and for job seekers - a favorite platform with offers from leading employers. We provide a convenient tool that will help personalize the search and find exactly those job offers and candidates that match the request and expectations.

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