
  • Сортувати:
  • 24Play

    Працівники - Від 50 до 200

    24PLAY — українська продуктова студія, займаємося створенням мобільних ігор з 2019 року.Понад 40 мільйонів задоволених гравців грають у наші ігри: Street Dude, Merge Anything, Crazy Tire.Серед наших партнерів — Ubisoft, Homa Games, Lion Studios.Нам важлива думка та ідея кожного нашого співробітника, а це означає, що у вас є можливість будувати майбутнє ринку мобільних ігор разом з нами.

    Активні вакансії - 7
  • VintoGroup

    Працівники - Від 200 до 500

    VintoGroup – Your Strategic Partner in Online Gaming and Sports Betting.At VintoGroup, we manage and grow multiple online casino and sports betting brands with a focus on excellence, scalability, and results. Operating across Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3 markets, we have a strong presence in Europe, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Asia (including India), Africa, and Latin America.Our expertise spans the key pillars of the iGaming ecosystem: affiliate marketing, customer retention, SEO, creative solutions, payment systems, and premium support services. We combine innovative technology, data-driven strategies, and deep market insights to deliver measurable growth and long-term success.

    Активні вакансії - 4
  • SoloWay Technologies

    Ivano-Frankivsk, Chernivtsi
    Працівники - Від 50 до 200

    SoloWay Technologies – міжнародна IT-компанія з фокусом на цифрову трансформацію бізнесу, вирішення глобальних челенджів та реалізації великих ідей. Ми - це, перш за все, команда. Команда, що уже понад 17 років створює разом з клієнтами зі всього світу круті інновації у сфері технологій допомагаючи їм реалізовувати інноваційні проєкти та цифрові трансформації. Наша місія – стати каталізаторами успішних трансформацій. Наші клієнти: українські бренди MOYO,, Bukovel, Lalafo,,, Biggggidea, Netpeak та компанії світового рівня SOCAR, Havas, Axalta, Dekra. Наші нагороди: Trusted vendor, Global Leader 2022 Clutch, Leader in Software Development in Ukraine Clutch, Reliable partner VERIFIED BY EXTRACT, Reliable partner by RedJumpers, 100% satisfied Customers UpWork. Наші цінності: побудова win-win стосунків, безпека, свобода, досягнення видатних результатів, взаємоповага, командна робота. Чому варто працювати з нами: - Баланс роботи та життя: маємо гнучкі умови праці, щоб ти міг працювати в офісі або вдома, залежно від потреб. - Отримуй винагороду за свою працю: наша бонусна програма базується на твоїй наполегливості та відданості. - Безперервне вдосконалення: регулярні огляди результативності допоможуть зрозуміти тобі свої сильні сторони та області для покращення. - Інвестуй у своє майбутнє: ми покриваємо 50% витрат на освіту, щоб ти міг продовжувати професійний ріст та розвиток. - Навчайся у кращих: наша внутрішня та зовнішня менторська програма дає можливість навчатися у досвідчених професіоналів. Наші соціальні проєкти: 🌳Ми садимо дерева після завершення кожного нового проєкту і вже висадили понад 200 дерев. 🇺🇦 Ми активно волонтеримо та підтримуємо Збройні Сили України. Приєднуйся до команди з понад 100 талановитих спеціалістів в Чернівцях та Івано-Франківську. Do your solo! 💜

    Активні вакансії - 3

    Працівники - Від 50 до 200

    CUDEV is an active and stable IT company that has been developing complex web applications with unique functionality for clients from the USA, UK and Europe.Over the 19 years of providing software services forvarious industries, we gained a lot of insights that we are eager to put into practice. To ensure high-quality services, we study the market, try to constantly monitor new trends in the field of web technologies and introduce advanced solutions.We create the most comfortable and trusting relationship with both team members and clients.We offer:• Stable and competitive compensation with regular results-based review• Opportunities for career growth and raising professional skills• Dynamic environment with low level of bureaucracy• Innovative projects with advanced technologie• Flexible work schedules• Your bookkeeping will be maintained by a professional accountant• Compensation external English language trainings• Comfortable office in the city centerBecome a part of our inspiring team!We are always open for new ideas and suggestions

    Активні вакансії - 2
  • SmartTek Solutions

    Працівники - Від 50 до 200

    SmartTek Solutions is a team of skilled specialists with common values, great ambitions, and respect for professionalism. With deep experience and commitment to high standards, we transform our goals into substantial achievements. We are focused on growth and creating an efficient work environment. That’s why our corporate culture is based on humanity and teamwork. SmartTek provides all the conditions and benefits to keep our people growing and getting the best results. We specialize in Web Development, AR/VR Development, ERP Development, Mobile Development, Cloud Development, IoT Development and Technology Consulting. Our team is built from a wide range of different people with their own unique life experiences, hobbies, preferences, and skills. We believe each of our projects is an opportunity to self-improve for both our company as a whole and each worker itself. Seven reasons for joining our team: ✅ Trust and partnership atmosphere ✅ Communication with no bureaucracy ✅ Future-oriented approach ✅ Work & life balance ✅ Efficient processes ✅ Openness and mutual respect✅ Constant professional development. The most valuable resource for any business is the right people. We are well-versed in people and projects, and we are able to successfully connect them.

    Активні вакансії - 2
  • Talent First

    Працівники - Менше 50

    Talent First is a global tech recruitment and out-staffing agency for industry leaders and fast-growing start-ups around the world. The company is headquartered in London and has local offices and representatives in the United States, Brazil, UK, Israel, Ukraine, and Estonia. For more information about us visit our website:

    Активні вакансії - 2
  • Profisea

    Працівники - Від 50 до 200

    Profisea, an Israeli boutique DevOps and Cloud company, has for over six years been providing end-to-end solutions and support for business. Our teams of highly-skilled professionals draw on their deep industry knowledge and vast technology expertise to deliver top-notch, dynamic and lean solutions to solve various business challenges for companies of any size, from startups to enterprises. Our mission is to help our clients implement best DevOps practices and design cost-effective and secured cloud architecture to maximize performance, ensure faster deployment, improve the quality of the client’s offering – whether services or products – and reduce time to market. In 2021, Profisea's team launched a unique AI-based Cloud management platform that allows you to visualize, manage Cloud infrastructure, and reduce your cloud expenses on virtual assets by up to 90%. Profisea provides state-of-the-art solutions custom-tailored to every type of client, with a full range of services including: - DevOps as a service (CI/CD, Continuous Monitoring, Infrastructure as a Code, Microservices, Kubernetes, DevSecOps) - Cloud Computing (Cloud Migration, Cloud Security, Cloud Environment Creation and - Management, FinOps with ProfiSea Labs, Cloud Security) - SRE as a service - NOC as a service - ALM consulting If you are planning to migrate to the cloud, thinking about building a transparent CI/CD pipeline or adopting DevSecOps or Kubernetes in your enterprise, Profisea is here to help. We are ready to design your cloud architecture, secure your cloud and make it cost-effective.

    Активні вакансії - 1
  • Аврора мультимаркет

    Працівники - Більше ніж 10000

    Аврора мультимаркет - це сучасний відповідальний український бізнес, який почав своє існування у 2011 році, і продовжує динамічно розвиватись та масштабуватись.Сьогодні наша мережа налічує понад 1400 магазинів, 4 офіси підтримки та 5 логістичних хабів в Україні, понад 25 магазинів, офіс підтримки та логістичний хаб в Румунії. Наша команда - це понад 13000 аврорівців, які кожен день працюють над втіленням місії Аврори: покращувати повсякденне життя людей, роблячи товари для дому та душі доступними.Ми об'єднані цінностями та унікальною культурою, що панує в Аврорі.

    Активні вакансії - 1
  • Lemon School

    Працівники - Менше 50

    Lemon.School – одна з найбільших IT-шкіл в Україні. У 2020 році вийшли за межі країни та почали навчати студентів з усіх куточків світу. Незважаючи на всі зовнішні виклики, нашою метою рік у рік залишається надання якісної освіти, яка конвертується у гарантоване працевлаштування у топових IT-компаніях, digital-агенствах та інших сферах. Наші викладачі – практики з найкращих IT-компаній. Як ніхто інший, вони знають вимоги ринку та очікування від початківців сьогодні. У окремих випадках вони готові прийняти успішних студентів себе у команду. Щоб кожен із наших студентів знайшов роботу в команді мрії, наш кар’єрний менеджер консультує учасників курсів, працює над їхніми акаунтами у соціальних мережах, портфоліо, резюме, готує до співбесіди та пропонує підготовлених кандидатів на вакансії партнерів, повністю супроводжуючи весь процес працевлаштування.

    Активні вакансії - 1
  • FlexReality

    Працівники - Від 50 до 200

    FlexReality — IT-компанія, яка займається розробкою інноваційних продуктів в сфері віртуальної та доповненої реальності, а також розробкою IT рішень для різних сфер бізнесу. Один з наших флагманських продуктів — це AR Book! Унікальне рішення для галузі освіти, яке є лідером в цій галузі.

    Активні вакансії - 1
  • Kupno

    Працівники - Менше 50

    Kupno is a job search site in the IT sector. We provide services for posting job vacancies in Ukraine and abroad, except for enemy countries. The company was founded in 2023 in Ukraine. Despite obstacles, we still believe in a successful technological future for Ukraine, in talented engineers, and the recovery of the IT market. We have put a lot of effort into developing the Kupno product, which takes into account the many needs of recruiters in hiring and useful application management features for candidates. We are confident that it can become an indispensable tool for every user to find the best talents in the IT field, and for job seekers - a favorite platform with offers from leading employers. We provide a convenient tool that will help personalize the search and find exactly those job offers and candidates that match the request and expectations.

    Активні вакансії - 0
  • S-PRO

    Працівники - Від 50 до 200

    S-PRO is a software development and IT consulting partner specializing in developing solutions for technology-first businesses. Our key clients are Swiss and German companies in Fintech and Healthcare industries. As a result of years of cooperation, we have gained significant domain expertise in these areas. Today, we have 200+ specialists from all over the world working remotely as well as in our locations spread across Ukraine, Poland, Armenia, Switzerland, and Germany. We know what it takes to build successful products from scratch. Over the past 10 years, we have completed more than 150 projects, ranging from small MVPs to large-scale enterprise solutions, resulting in years of cooperation with our customers. Every product we develop goes through Consultancy, Design, Development, and Maintaining stages. This approach allows us to understand clients’ needs better and develop just the right product. 𝐎𝐮𝐫 𝐜𝐚𝐩𝐚𝐛𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐝𝐞 -Business analysis & research -Web development -Mobile development -UI/UX design -Blockchain development -Big data & analytics consulting -AI & ML -DevOps & Cloud Services 𝐀𝐝𝐝𝐞𝐝 𝐯𝐚𝐥𝐮𝐞 What does the work give us besides compensation? For S-PRO, this added value is a possibility of continuous learning and professional development. While a team is developing a product, you are developing yourself, your domain expertise, and your task management skills. 𝐅𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐬 𝐚𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐒-𝐏𝐑𝐎 - 150+ projects completed - 10+ years of full-cycle development experience - 200+ in-house team members - 72% european customers - 60+ reviews on Clutch & Goodfirms - 12 Top-managers of the company started from junior positions 𝐋𝐞𝐭’𝐬 𝐠𝐫𝐨𝐰 𝐭𝐨𝐠𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫!

    Активні вакансії - 0
  • Computools

    Warszawa, Wrocław, Łódź, Kyiv
    Працівники - Від 200 до 500

    Computools shapes the future with products, services and solutions that businesses need to Unlock Tomorrow. We’re also shaping the future of Ukraine by helping establish it as a worldwide IT hub to generate world-changing ideas. Computools' philosophy is based on three principles: CONSTRUCTIVENESS With Computools, innovation comes standard. Clients trust us for our clarity, structure, high performance rate and intuitive functionality across every stage of the software development process. Because if it’s not worth making perfectly, it’s not worth making at all. FUTURISM The future is under control. We’re a company of visionaries—people who don’t just pay attention to what’s happening around the globe, but who also provide unique solutions that create real change. HUMANISM We’re digital humanists at heart. Our platforms, applications and other IT-products have a singular goal: to make it easy for our clients to take care of their clients. That starts with a human-centered approach to everything we do. Whether we’re designing customer experiences, dealing with our clients or managing our teams, we lead with empathy. Technology is for everyone, not just the geeks. That’s why we focus on using clear, intelligible language, treating every stakeholder with respect and providing support at all stages of development. By starting with a shared understanding of what makes us all human, we’re able to create the favorable conditions necessary to develop our best-in-class solutions.

    Активні вакансії - 0
  • Beetroot

    Kyiv, Poltava, Lviv, Ivano-Frankivsk, Kremenchuk, Odesa, Sofia, Stockholm, Poznań
    Працівники - Від 500 до 1000

    Beetroot is a cozy Swedish IT business with 500+ specialists in the cities of Ukraine, Sweden, Bulgaria and Poland engaged in turnkey development, creating dedicated teams for customers from around the world. It was founded in 2012 as a diploma project by two graduates of the University of Gothenburg: young entrepreneurs Andreas Flodstrom and Gustav Henman. In addition to the IT business of the same name, the Beetroot ecosystem also includes the Beetroot Academy and the Beetroot Hub technology space. All parts of the ecosystem are independent projects, united by a common mission and values. Beetroot is much more than just development. These are people who are passionate about their work. Beetroot is driven by a strong trust in the individual. Our philosophy in building teams is strongly influenced by self-management and high-responsibility organization policy. That’s why every consultant builds their schedule due to pre-agreed terms with clients or specific teams and personal planning. Our clients’ industries: GreenTech EdTech AI Automotive HealthCare Mental Health Personal Security Our countries: Sweden Ukraine Bulgaria Poland

    Активні вакансії - 0
  • Intellias

    Kraków, Lviv, Malaga, Porto, Zagreb, Sofia, Guildford, Kyiv, Ivano-Frankivsk, Odesa, Uzhhorod
    Працівники - Від 1000 до 5000

    Intellias is a global technology company with over 3200 specialists on board. We combine engineering craftsmanship and technology expertise to solve challenges of any nature, scale, and complexity. Our development centers are located in Poland, Croatia, Bulgaria, Ukraine, Spain, Portugal, Colombia, and India. We also have representative offices in Germany, the USA, the UK, and the United Arab Emirates. We are contributing to the success of the world’s leading brands, among which are HERE Technologies, TomTom, HelloFresh and Travis Perkins. More than 2 billion people around the world use software solutions developed by Intellias engineers. Intellias is regularly named one of the best IT employers by Forbes, EY, Great Place to Work, and other reputable organizations. Moreover, we've been recognized as a world-class technology leader by the IAOP, UK IT Industry awards and Inc. 5000 Europe.

    Активні вакансії - 0
  • N-iX

    Lviv, Kyiv, Ivano-Frankivsk
    Працівники - Від 1000 до 5000

    N-iX is a global software development service company with 2,200+ professionals and projects for global industry leaders and Fortune 500 companies. N-iX offers expert solutions in cloud computing, data analytics, machine learning, business intelligence, embedded software, and IoT, covering a wide variety of sectors including finance, manufacturing, supply chain, telecom, energy, etc. Founded in 2002 in Lviv, N-iX has expanded its presence around Ukraine, Europe and Latin America. Today we have offices in Lviv, Kyiv, Ivano-Frankivsk, hubs in Ternopil, Vinnytsia, Dnipro, and communities all around Ukraine. We keep growing our Ukrainian teams - join us and grow with us.

    Активні вакансії - 0
  • Bits Orchetsra

    Zymna Voda
    Працівники - Менше 50

    Bits Orchestra, born from a desire to realize potential and foster a culture of innovation, has evolved into a company that values a cozy, collaborative atmosphere. With a focus on solving business problems across various domains like e-commerce, education, finance, security, logistics, healthcare, and military, the company employs technologies such as C#, .NET Core, ASP.NET, JavaScript, TypeScript, React Native, SQL, AWS, and Azure. Notably, Bits Orchestra upholds certain principles, avoiding collaborations with gambling entities and companies from Russia and Belarus. With a growing team of 47 employees, including a qualified team in Azerbaijan, the company operates from a dedicated office near Lviv, ensuring uninterrupted services through Starlink. Bits Orchestra's recruitment process emphasizes a quick candidate journey with stages like test tasks, HR interviews, and technical interviews. The company values a fast-paced work environment and provides a stable and safe workplace, offering work-from-home options, flexible working hours, and fully equipped workstations. Joining Bits Orchestra comes with several perks, including individual career development, training programs, equipment provision, salary raises, paid vacations and sick leaves, and support for education expenses. The company fosters loyalty by offering Benefit cafe bonuses and IT Cluster membership.

    Активні вакансії - 0
  • Sombra

    Lviv, Ivano-Frankivsk, Kyiv, Medellín
    Працівники - Від 200 до 500

    Sombra is a software development company that works with US, Canadian and European clients. We combine deep technological expertise with human values: proactivity, making the customers happy, changes, open and honest relationships and self-development. 🎯We do: UI/UX, Innovative Web Application Development, Mobile App Development, DevOps & Cloud, Blockchain, IoT, AI 🌟Sombra’s mission is to make every effort so that Sombra - a team of people who are beyond passionate about their work - continues to work and grow, despite the trials of the war in Ukraine. We work hard to fulfill the trust and expectations that our clients have put on us, to protect and develop our unique team, and to support other companies facing the challenge of working at such difficult times. Today, Sombra has 300+ specialists and continues to expand.😺 The company’s offices are in Lviv, Kyiv, Ivano-Frankivsk and Medellin (Colombia). All company locations are autonomous - with uninterrupted power sources, reserves of drinking water, food, additional generators, stable Internet, and everything necessary. The company supports a hybrid work format in all locations — team members can choose to work remotely or from the company’s offices. Sombra continues to develop and expand rapidly, so we invite you to join our team!🤗 For more detailed information, please visit the career page.😉

    Активні вакансії - 0
  • Innocode

    Працівники - Від 50 до 200

    Innocode has since 2010 been a digital innovation partner for successful startups and leading media companies who want to build user value, relevance, and new revenue streams through great digital solutions. Our team of business developers, designers, engineers, and project managers deliver strategic advice, design, and digitalizing of business models as well as development of digital media products and services.

    Активні вакансії - 0
  • SharpMinds

    Працівники - Від 50 до 200

    SharpMinds is a Ukrainian IT company, which is a part of a Dutch holding HelloFlex Group with headquarters in Amersfoort, NL. Working with the Dutch businesses for over 18 years, we have managed to grow to 100 employees, 4 comfortable offices, more than 30 successful B2B projects, professional ICT, HR and Project Management services, and even more. We have succeeded in building a people-oriented environment, where individuals are valued, teams are productive, and business needs are met. In our work, we focus on people and processes. We believe that the key to a successful IT project is a match between the customer side, the development team, and a process, they both trust. To help people become a focused team with a common goal, we provide IT Consultancy, run educational courses, organize IT events, support and implement development methodologies, facilitate leadership trainings and self-education. We are mostly focused on long-term enterprise projects, which help us to bring experienced talents to the company, and build strong teams in PHP, Node.js, .NET, Python, Ruby on Rails, Unity3D, Xamarin, and mobile development technologies, both native and cross-platform. As most professional IT companies do, we provide a full social package and support to every employee of SharpMinds. We facilitate knowledge sharing, mentor junior staff, and cherish every talent, who joins our family of Sharpminds. Our team of beautiful recruiters will be always happy to meet you at the coffee counter and tell you lots of nice stories about SharpMinds and the projects we are working on together with our customers. Please, find vacancy updates on the company website

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